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ChatGPT Prompts for Developers (Ismail)

Складчина ChatGPT Prompts for Developers (Ismail). Совместные покупки курсов, тренингов, обучения. Присоединяйтесь! Важен каждый вкладчик.

Тема найдена по тегам:
750 руб
91 руб

Список участников складчины:

1. Dr.Vatson
  1. Dr.Vatson
    Dr.Vatson Организатор складчин

    ChatGPT Prompts for Developers (Ismail)

    ChatGPT Prompts for Developers (Ismail)
    Are you a developer looking for inspiration and fresh ideas for your work? Look no further than the "ChatGPT Prompts for Developers" e-book! With over 1400 prompts tailored to six different professions - database development, cloud development, DevOps engineering, AI/machine learning development, blockchain development, and embedded development - you'll never be at a loss for new projects or challenges. Each section includes scenario-based, multi-part, open-ended, and opinion-based prompts, designed to spark your creativity and help you explore new possibilities in your field. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, "ChatGPT Prompts for Developers" is the perfect resource to keep you inspired and engaged. Get your copy today and take your work to the next level!

    Материал на английском языке
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 5 дек 2023
    Dr.Vatson, 17 мар 2023
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