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[HobbyhorseLaden] Лошадка на палке. Hobby horse sewing pattern with tutorial, PDF

Складчина [HobbyhorseLaden] Лошадка на палке. Hobby horse sewing pattern with tutorial, PDF. Совместные покупки курсов, тренингов, обучения. Присоединяйтесь! Важен каждый вкладчик.

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    [HobbyhorseLaden] Лошадка на палке. Hobby horse sewing pattern with tutorial, PDF

    Hobby horse pattern and tutorial for sewing your own DIY stick-horse!

    What's different with this pattern: We have dispensed with an extensive professional pattern. Here you only have 4 pages of pattern, stick them together and you are ready to go. So even sewing beginners and/or kids can achieve a good result. The step-by-step template explains in detail but in simple words the next steps. Sewing professionals will find many more professional tips that I have collected from my self-sewn horses. The horse you sew should be about 40 cm wide x 36 cm high (depending on the fabric and filling, variations are possible).

    You will receive a sewing instruction as PDF for download.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Продающий сайт:
    Летнее Солнце, 7 мар 2023
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