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Топ Joni (Natasja Hornby)

Складчина Топ Joni (Natasja Hornby). Совместные покупки курсов, тренингов, обучения. Присоединяйтесь! Важен каждый вкладчик.

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49 руб

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    trulalashka Организатор складчин

    Топ Joni (Natasja Hornby)


    Перевод описания на русский язык.

    Joni is worked seamlessly from the top down. First, the back
    shoulders are cast on and shaped using short rows. Then the
    shoulders are joined, and the back is worked flat until the underarm. Stitches for the front shoulders are picked up and worked separately until the front neck cast on, after which the front is worked back and forth until the same length as the back. At the underarm front and back are joined and worked in rounds to the rounded hem, that is shaped using short rows. The pattern has the option for both a straight, unshaped or a tapered
    body. Neck and armhole finishing is worked last.

    1 (2, 3, 4) {5, 6, 7, 8}
    Finished bust measurements
    85 (94.5, 105.5, 115) {125, 136, 145.5, 155} cm / 33.5 (37.25, 41.5, 45.25) {49.25, 53.5, 57.25, 61}”.

    The top is designed to have a neat, but comfortable fit, with approx 5 - 7.5 cm / 2 - 3” of positive ease around the bust.
    Sample is shown in size 2, with body shaping, and 5 cm / 2” of positive ease.

    For a fresh summer feeling, a heavy fingering / sports weight plant based yarn like a linen (blend) or cotton (blend) is recommended.

    Approx 625 (675, 750, 800) {875, 925, 1000, 1075} m / 685 (740, 820, 875) {955, 1010, 1090, 1175} yards.

    Sample shown in Schoppel-Wolle El Linio, 100% linen, 150 meters / 164 yards per 50 gr, colorway 990 Wei.

    Needle A (for the body)
    One 80 cm / 30” circular needle, in size needed to obtain gauge listed.
    Suggested needle size: 3.5 mm / US #4.
    Needle B (for the neckline and armhole finishing) One 40 cm / 15” needle, and a set of needles for working small circumferences in the round (DPN’s, 1 long circular or 2 short circulars)
    Suggested needle size: 3.25 mm / US #3.

    Measured after blocking.
    Ridged Stockinette pattern on Needle A: 21 sts x 30 rows = 10 x 10 cm / 4 x 4”.

    trulalashka, 11 окт 2023
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  3. trulalashka
    trulalashka Организатор складчин
    Уведомляем вас о начале сбора взносов.
    Цена продукта: 180 руб. Взнос с каждого участника: 49 руб.
    Кол-во участников в основном списке: 1 чел.

    Начало сбора взносов 17 Октябрь 2023 года
    trulalashka, 15 окт 2023