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[Udemy] Food Photography: Capturing Food in Your Kitchen

Складчина [Udemy] Food Photography: Capturing Food in Your Kitchen. Совместные покупки курсов, тренингов, обучения. Присоединяйтесь! Важен каждый вкладчик.

Тема найдена по тегам:
850 руб
116 руб

Список участников складчины:

1. Gagarin 2. Aplication 3. Hey_jordan 4. bird8 5. akperasadov 6. lyudmilka429
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  1. Gagarin
    Gagarin Организатор складчин

    [Udemy] Food Photography: Capturing Food in Your Kitchen


    Описание курса

    With DIY Food Photography, you'll be taking better photos of your food in just an hour.

    Every lesson is hands on, and shows you how to use resources right in your home to create delicious, mouth-watering images. We'll walk you through the entire process, and we're available if you have any questions along the way.

    Whether you're a food blogger, self-proclaimed master chef, or just an Instagram foodie, this course will give you the skills needed to take professional food photos.

    Impress your family and friends with great photos of your food creations!

    Steps to great food photography that you'll learn in this course:

    1. Pick the best location for your photos.
    2. Prepare and style your food and setting.
    3. Light your food with inexpensive tools like a white sheet and $1 poster board.
    4. Choose the best camera and settings.
    5. Compose 4 types of shots to get all the best angles.
    6. Edit your photos to make them look even more tantalizing!
    Tell your food's story!

    Our goal is to teach you how to take better photos of your food with any camera, wherever you are. After walking you through the basics, you'll see us shoot 5 different food and drink setups that will inspire you to take your own food photos.

    Последнее редактирование модератором: 10 дек 2020
    Gagarin, 22 ноя 2016
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